To recreate this effect, keep the following considerations in mind:
To control brightness, install optional Solatube Daylight Dimmers with Switch Kit.
For nighttime use, install optional Solatube Light Add-on Kits or use Solatube Smart LED Systems.
To create different wall wash effects, vary Solatube product spacing or slot width, height and finish.
To minimize the potential for direct view of the perimeter wall wash fixtures, the perimeter slot should extend above the ceiling plane by approximately two product diameters. It also should be no more than two product diameters wide (measured from the illuminated perimeter wall to the adjacent finished ceiling plane). An example is shown in the adjacent image of a conference space incorporating wall wash illumination provided by Solatube Brighten Up Series 290 DS Daylighting Systems (with a product diameter of 14 in.). As shown, the wall wash slot extends 24 in. above the finished ceiling plane and is 24 in. wide (the distance from the perimeter wall to the finished floating ceiling plane), and runs the length of the illuminated wall.
To maximize perimeter wall uniformity, center-to-center spacing between the perimeter wall wash daylighting systems should not exceed one ceiling height.