SolaMaster Series - Diffusers 

For closed ceilings 

The SolaMaster 330 DS-C features a patented transition box that seamlessly converts the round tubing to a square diffuser. This transition box fits into standard commercial ceiling grids (600mm x 600mm). For drywall ceilings, the transition box has a sleek, integrated, self-trim feature, eliminating the need for finishing trim work. 
Transition box
Installed SolaMaster systems in a classroom diagram
Square prismatic diffuser
Installed square prismatic diffuser
▲ The standard square prismatic diffuser blends into virtually any ceiling design to provide a bright, broad diffusion of natural light. 
▼ The OptiView diffuser provides a stunning architectural look with its matrix of 36 individual Fresnel lenses as well as outstanding light transfer and diffusion.  
OptiView diffuser
Installed SolaMaster system with OptiView diffuser

For open ceilings 

The SolaMaster 330 DS-O diffuser for open commercial ceiling applications such as warehouses and factories is supplied with a prismatic diffuser as standard. Both this and the optional OptiView diffuser are designed to attach directly to the extension tube, although either may also be adapted to suit a closed ceiling. An optional dress ring is available for both diffusers. 
Circular OptiView diffuser
Installed SolaMaster system in office with circular OptiView diffuser
Prismatic diffuser
Installed SolaMaster systems in warehouse with prismatic diffusers
▲ The standard prismatic diffuser blends into virtually any space for a diffusion of natural light designed to deliver the majority of the light downward toward the task surface.. 
◄ The circular OptiView diffuser features individual Fresnel lenses that provide excellent light diffusion and vertical surface illumination by creating a high, wide-angle spread to bring the light higher up the walls. 

Natural effect lens 

An optional 530mm diameter lens is available that effectively double-glazes the transition box unit. It is designed to minimize air infiltration and is installed at the top of the transition box of the closed ceiling system. The natural effect lens is held in place with 8 tabs, and may be removed for access if necessary during installation. 
Natural effect lens
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