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Worker jumping into the air in joy in glorious sunshine

Spring has sprung with Solatube 

Driving to work today the sun was shining, the sky was very nearly blue and there were buds on the trees and flowers. What a difference more daylight makes to your mood I thought to myself, which reminded me of the various research reports I have been “lucky” enough to wade through that have analysed the many and varied benefits of increased light levels in schools, offices and health facilities to name just a few. 
For example, one such report that reviewed the performance of 21,000 students found that when they studied in rooms with diffused daylight, their tests results’ improved by up to 26%. While another showed that patients in hospitals with improved daylight reduced their average length of stay by around 16%. And it has been well documented that a company that upgraded its building to use more daylight not only reduced its energy costs by 69% but found absenteeism rates dropped by 25% and productivity improved by 13% resulting in additional financial benefits. 
So it’s clear that the feel good factor is also a good business factor whatever the sector you’re working in. The challenge therefore is not what to do – it’s obvious, get more daylight into wherever you are working, living, studying etc. The challenge is how to do it, especially in buildings where windows are either not practical or even possible. And that’s where Solatube Daylighting Systems come in. Over 9 million systems have been installed around the world over the past 25 years in all sorts of building types. Lifting moods, improving student performance and healing people faster by using innovative technologies to tunnel brilliant daylight from any roof to transform dark and windowless areas below. 
24 March 2016 
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